Laser Source is considered the heart of Laser machine. It is the most important part of any Laser machine. In order to create high-quality and prestigious laser machines, the quality of the laser source must be guaranteed and consistent.
Depending on the type of active substance that makes up the laser source, we will obtain Laser rays with different names:
– Solid lasers have a solid active environment: With this active ingredient there will be hundreds of types such as Laser Fiber, Laser YAG, Laser Ruby…
– Liquid lasers have an active environment in liquid form: with Liquid Laser there are about 50 different types of laser machines. Colored liquid active substances produce different colored lasers.
– Gas lasers have an active environment in the gaseous form: there are hundreds of gases used as active lasers such as CO2 Laser, Nitrogen Laser, Argon Laser, Helium Laser…
Depending on the requirements of the profession and application materials, people choose to use lasers as well as suitable laser sources.
With nearly 20 years of experience in the field of Laser, Namson Laser specializes in providing a wide range of Laser sources that best suit the actual needs of each customer. Namson Laser is a reputable partner of major laser brands in the world such as Cohenrent, Trumf, Epilog, GCC… Our engineer team is always ready to provide technical advice and installation support on request.
Laser Source is considered the heart of Laser machine. It is the most important part of any Laser machine. In order to create high-quality and prestigious laser machines, the quality of the laser source must be guaranteed and consistent.
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